
Partners & Approach

Architecture + Programme

What should the city of tomorrow look like? How do we maintain diversity and colourful life in urban space? Our vision is the mixed city, in which architecture becomes an impulse generator and promotes intercultural exchange. That’s why we think in networks and engage in dialogue with users, politicians, and neighbourhoods.

For our projects, we develop innovative concepts for use and financing that take into account the entire functional and social spectrum of a city’s quality of life. This is why we believe active ground floor zones are essential to maintain diversity in neighbourhoods.

In their multifaceted role as architects, district developers, cultural managers, and developers, bfstudio-architekten have been planning and realising METROPOLENHÄUSER for several years now.

Benita Braun-Feldweg and Matthias Muffert founded the architectural practice bfstudio-architekten GbR in 1999 and were both appointed to the Association of German Architects (BDA) in 2014. Since 2019, the office has continued as bfstudio Partnerschaft von Architekten mbB Benita Braun-Feldweg & Matthias Muffert.


Team bfstudio-architekten:

Davatgar Babak / Nestor Baptista / Julia Bouchain / Benita Braun-Feldweg / Emil Breckenmacher / Kathleen Cerrada / Fritz Decker / Chiara Del Piccolo / Katharina Deppisch / Medina Diedrich / Cornelia Dittrich / Sabine Eggers / Mehdi El-Ghazi / Hussain Ghusen / Henrik Feindt / Katharina Förderer-Marx / Marlene Gaertner / Hannah Grosse / Eva Gubalke / Julia Haussmann / Adriano Hellbusch / Gregor Hose / Elmar Imamovic / Pantea Khatirzadbaboli / Holger Kirsch / Ola Kopka / Ingrid Krauß / Hilde Laumeier / Marc Liinares / Alexander Lohss / Stephanie Lux / Lena Mändlen / Sophie Marcolini / Sophie Marthe / Katja Mitte / Laura Monzon / Matthias Muffert / Yuka Nishiyama / Dominika Plümpe / Ulrike Putbrese / Cailen Pybus / Clara Renz / Xenia Riemann / Zoë Ritts / Demian Rudaz / Marc Ruiz / Anne-Marie Sanders / Katja Schöpf / Susanne Schumacher / Erik Schumann / Daniel Slota / Oksana Solomon / Atasit Srimasrem / Katrin Stade / Malte Stolle / Demian Waidele / Annika Werner / Ilona Wieska / Stefan Wolter / Martin Zierer / Sophia Moll / Gregoire Hubert



Berlin Award 2021 – Urbanität und Identität
Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt

Deutscher Städtebaupreis

Deutscher Städtebaupreis 2020
Project „Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt“

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Deutscher Bauherrenpreis 2020
Category “Urban Neighbourhood Development”

Callwey Award Deutscher Wohnungsbau 2020

1st Prize
Award Deutscher Wohnungsbau 2020

Logo fiabci winner 2019

Award FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Germany 2019
Category “Residential”

Callwey Award Deutscher Wohnungsbau 2020

German Design Award 2020
Category “Excellent Architecture”

Logo DAM Preis 2020

DAM Preis für Architektur in Deutschland 2020 / Longlist of the 100 nominated buildings

da! Exhibition

Selected project
for the exhibition “da! Architektur in und aus Berlin” 2019

Logo Goethe Institut

Exhibition “The Gartenstadt Atlantic and Rudolf Fränkel” as part of the Bucharest Architecture Biennale.

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Exhibition “Gartenstadt Atlantic and Rudolf Fränkel” at the BDA Gallery Berlin

da! Exhibition

Exhibition “da! Architektur in und aus Berlin” 2004

da! Exhibition

Prize from the Stiftung Lebendige Stadt


Our partners work in the fields of design, urban planning, architecture, city planning, urban life, landscape architecture, neighbourhood development, and neighbourhood design. They offer external advise to bfstudio-architekten with their ideas and perspectives, inspire thought, and help us find new models for programmatic strategies in our projects.

  • Ideas, external perspectives, project qualification, and theoretical expertise.
  • Distilling the essential idea, identifying our target group, targeted dialogue and exchange.

DesignCritic | Prof. Lisa Babette Diedrich Ph.D. Dipl.-Ing. | Malmö / Berlin |

designCONTENT | Andrea Kahn | New York City |

bf-preis | Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg Award for design-critical texts | Berlin |

Werner Huthmacher | Berlin |