Publication How do we AGGLO? | Designing urban ecotones

Publication How do we AGGLO? | Designing urban ecotones

We are thrilled to announce that our AGGLO booklet „How do we AGGLO? Designing Urban Ecotones“ is published as a pilot edition.
This booklet is a synthesis of the exhibition “How do we AGGLO? Designing urban ecotones”, which was shown at the cultural platform feldfünf in the Metropolenhaus, Berlin, 2023.
It is based on a research project from bfstudio since 2019 about agglomerations as future places of our cities.

19th International Architecture Biennial Buenos Aires 09.10. – 13.10.2024 | AGGLO Maker Space Berlin-Buenos Aires

19th International Architecture Biennial Buenos Aires 09.10. – 13.10.2024 | AGGLO Maker Space Berlin-Buenos Aires

„AGGLO Maker Space Berlin – Buenos-Aires“ will be featured at the 19th International Architecture Biennial Buenos Aires 2024, taking place from 9 to 13 October 2024 at the FAENA Art Center. In the course of the conference on the 11th of October Benita Braun-Feldweg contributes with a lecture „AGGLO Maker Space Berlin – Designing urban ecotones“.

Lecture & Workshop at University FADU-UBA, Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD) | „Edge effect in urban ecotones“

Lecture & Workshop at University FADU-UBA, Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD) | „Edge effect in urban ecotones“

‘EDGE EFFECTS IN URBAN ECOTONES – fostering resiliency in contemporary urban redevelopment projects in Berlin, Buenos Aires, and beyond’ research workshop – Benita Braun-Feldweg participates in the two one-week research workshops which are staged, one in Buenos Aires from 6 to 12 October 2024, and one in Berlin, from 21-28 November 2024.

Eurocities Living Spaces | Peer-Learning Visit 15.05. – 17-05.2024 in Vienna

Eurocities Living Spaces | Peer-Learning Visit 15.05. – 17-05.2024 in Vienna

One of the follow up conferences of the Peer-Learning Programme proceeded from the 15.05. – 17.05.2024 in Vienna.

After hosting the kick-off conference of the programme for the former Flowermarket in feldfünf in March – this time Benita Braun-Feldweg took part as a participant in the 3 day programme of the conference in Vienna.
The conference on the gender mainstreaming approach and pratical principles of gender planning included site visit in Aspern Lake City and Sonnwendviertel in Vienna.