AGGLO takes the stage again  – AGGLO Maker Space Berlin-Buenos Aires is showcased at the 19th International Architecture Biennial in Buenos Aires 2024!

AGGLO Maker Space Berlin is a real-world laboratory for recycling spaces in urban peripheral locations and thus a contribution to the inclusive, resource-saving, sustainable city of tomorrow. The lab’s work, developed by German, Argentinian and other international contributors, was first presented in an exhibition in Berlin in 2023, which now travels to Buenos Aires. It showcases built and speculative projects and positions from architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture for abandoned sites along the former Berlin Wall.

– Biennial programme
– Biennial AGGLO Maker Space Berlin – Buenos-Aires > Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD), FADU-UBA
– Mentioned in article > Buenos Aires Herald: „The BA Architecture Biennale to flood the city with art and design“

DUCTO Urbano:
„AGGLO Maker Space Buenos Aires will interpret Puerto Madero as an urban ecotone where the city and the river meet and which so far has not mobilised its edge effects: more than an ecological reserve, it can benefit from natural processes to become a buffer against rising storm surges; more than a monofunctional commercial district, it can qualify as the main public space of the port city to enable the encounter of diverse cultural expressions. In collaboration with the a physical installation is realised in the public space between the microcentre and the ecological reserve, which will invite various collectives to offer performances, workshops and open-air conversations, prefiguring the urban life that could be installed here.“ – Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD)

Participant of main exhibition:
From 9 to 13 October 2024 „AGGLO Maker Space Berlin – Buenos-Aires“ will be featured at the 19th International Architecture Biennial Buenos Aires 2024, taking place at the FAENA Art Center Buenos Aires.

Lecture at conference:
On the 11th of October Benita Braun-Feldweg contributes with a lecture „AGGLO Maker Space Berlin – Designing urban ecotones“ together with Prof Sabine Müller, SMAQ Berlin Architecture and City, Architecture School Oslo and Prof Dr Lisa Diedrich, Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD) FADU-UBA in the course of the conference.


Live stream „#Bienal24 – 11/10 en español“ from 6:00:38 – 7:23:10
Official website Biennial conference > Benita Braun-Feldweg

In an interview „The importance of chance encounters: a debate at the Architecture Biennale“ by Karina Niebla featured in the article elDiarioar, Benita Braun-Feldweg together with Sabine Müller discuss architecture as an integrating force in fragmented cities. Benita Braun-Feldweg emphasizes that „if the real estate focuses only on the economics, neither the city nor the market thrives,“ highlighting the importance of linking „capital with the social value of the city, because it is an investment.“

Original version (in spanish) >

Cooperation between:
Benita Braun-Feldweg, bfstudio-architekten,Berlin
Lisa Diedrich, Walter Gropius Chair (FADU-UBA, DAAD)
In collaboration with Flavio Janches, LCJ Chair (FADU-UBA)
with numerous international academic and professional contributors

Ensayos Urbanos en el Campo Expandido
Guido Fischer, Julieta Esses, Renata Sorbellini, Gabriel Sanfranchik,
Mateo Olabarrieta, Micaela Belen Ikebara, Valentina Anselmi,
Salvatore Murena, Julián Wappenstein, Camila Belén Daniele
Cátedra Walter Gropius, Faculdad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo,
Universidad de Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA), Prof. Dr. Lisa Diedrich

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